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The Zore goat path Foto: Zore

The Zore goat path

Panoramic stroll to discover the Zore pastures, for adults and children.

Walk with nature guide, cheese and goat products tasting

We walk at the foot of the Gran Monte, a Unesco MAB reserve of the Italian Julian Alps, in the beautiful basin of Campo di Bonis on the green pastures of Zore, discovering the pre-Alpine stable meadows, always threatened by the abandonment of high lands and encroachment. Here, suspended between the Torre and Natisone valleys, Alessia and her little goats continue their work as guardians of the biodiversity of the area, as well as keeping alive the quality and value of mountain products.

Walk with nature guide, cheese and goat products tasting. At the end, possibility to buy the products at the farm store.

Duration: 3-hour walk followed by final tasting
Necessary equipment: hiking shoes, possible trekking poles, sportswear, rain cape

Number of participants: min 5, max 25


For more information and reservations:

Marco Pascolino
+39 339 5220309


Accessible independently and also suitable for children, the Zore goat trail is an educational trail located in the immediate vicinity of the farm with the same name. The trail has signs identifying the plant and animal species that live this environment, and, during the summer period, you can admire the Zore goats grazing.

Walking time: 1 hour
Height difference: 100 m
Total length: 1 km
Suitable shoes for short hikes are recommended.