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Triajur - the Matajur Triathlon

The Triajur is a competitive sports event held every first day of May, consisting of three fractions: mountain bike climb from Savogna to Montemaggiore, foot climb from Montemaggiore to the summit of Matajur, and foot descent to Masseris. Each fraction must be completed by the team’s fractionist or soloist.
Estimated date: 1 May

Every first day of May, the Polisportiva Monte Matajur, with the help of numerous local voluntary associations, organises the Triajur. This is a competitive sporting event consisting of three fractions, each one to be completed by the team fractionists. The most physically and psychologically trained are allowed to sustain the entire competition alone.
The first fraction (Savogna-Stefenig-Tercimonte-Iellina-Dus-Stermizza-Montemaggiore) is covered by mountain bike. The route runs along asphalt roads and forest trails. The second (Montemaggiore-top of Mount Matajur) and the third fractions (summit of Mount Matajur-Masseris) are, on the other hand, travelled on foot via asphalt roads, paths and inter-pasture roads.

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