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Agriturismo Zaro Foto: Agriturismo Zaro

Agriturismo Zaro

Farmhouse with restaurant service; it holds several events throughout the year, also for children. Possibility of sleeping in tents/yurts.

Farcadizze 38, Canebola, 33040 Faedis (UD)

+39 393 884 9373; +39 340 378 2252



As the only inhabitants of a magical valley on the border with Slovenia, Zaro Farm provides a moment of respite and serenity away from the world.

The farm produces and processes most of the products offered at the agritourism on-site, usingorganic ingredients and local businesses when necessary.The farm cultivates a diverse selection of certified organic vegetables, medicinal herbs (such as Calendula), and aromatic herbs (such as Saffron). In recent years, the cultivation of Shiitake Mushrooms has become a unique feature of the farm.

The farm's menu mainly consists of vegetarian and vegan dishes, with a limited selection of venison dishes offered at certain times of the year.Additionally, the farm produces various dairy products that are served on the table.

Agriturismo Zaro operates as an educational farm, raising deer, cows, sheep, horses, donkeys, and other farm animals.The Agriturismo Zaro is a delightful destination for families with young children. The park offers a variety of games and activities, while the nature trail, which is approximately 1.3 km long, takes visitors on a sensory journey through the farm. Recently, new signage has been installed to enhance the experience. The Agriturismo also offers educational workshops and summer camps for children.
Evenings around the campfire and other cultural and artistic events are also offered for all ages with the possibility of staying overnight in a tent, sleeping on a bed of hay under the banner of a "wild" weekend.

Not only food is what this place offers you... In addition to good, healthy and organic food, in fact, you can find a natural paradise to be discovered; woods, hills, streams and meadows will allow you to do many outdoor activities, making you spend a whole day in contact with nature outside the world, but behind your home.

The Zaro Farmhouse returns to operation for New Year's Eve dinner and then reopens for the season on the first Sunday in March, keeping open until the end of November.

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