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SMO Museum Foto: Davide Degano

SMO Museum

SMO (slovensko multimedialno okno) – Landscape and narrative museum; a new and engaging way of observing the landscape from the Val Canale through Resia, Val Torre, Val Cornappo, the Natisone Valleys, the Gorizia and Trieste Karst, and everything in between. Language as the fil rouge of a borderland.

The SMO (Slovensko multimedialno okno – Landscape and narrative museum), the museum in San Pietro al Natisone - dedicated to the cultural landscape that runs from the Mangart to the Gulf of Trieste - is one of the modern thematic and territorial museums: no longer Collection museums, but rather Narrative museums. A space that interweaves artistic experimentation and remembrance territories, offering interactive paths and multimedia frescoes of a landscape understood as a union of people and places, of stories and memories, capable of provoking stimuli and reflections. A narrative reconnaissance of a landscape to listen to, which recognises language as the connective tissue of a culture rich in variants that build microcosms overflowing with stories.

The Museum is part of the MISMOTU museum network, which has as its objectives the dissemination of traditions linked to the rural past and the preservation of Slovenian dialects originating on the Italian side of the Italian-Slovenian border.

Via Alpe Adria 73,
33049 San Pietro al Natisone (UD)

+39 0432 727490