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Canalaz chestnut and collection Foto: Biagio Tomasetig

Canalaz chestnut and collection

A well-kept chestnut tree and the surrounding area present themselves to the visitor's eyes. A small museum collection and the intent of a family in bringing ancient memories to light.

The monumental chestnut tree of Canalaz is located in the municipality of Grimacco, on the road from Liessa to Plataz and Canalaz. The Žefcjova family decided not only to highlight this beautiful chestnut tree, but also to create a museum collection in some of their own buildings. To reach the tree, there is a well-marked path with an iron cross almost set in a rock ('signifying work, suffering and faith') placed next to the asphalt road that was only built in 1973, and going down the path, you can see a watering hole, a monolith dating back to 1860.

More information: www.ilcastagnodicanalaz.wordpress.com