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The stable meadows of Tribil Inferiore Foto: Davide Degano

The stable meadows of Tribil Inferiore

Nature, biodiversity, uniqueness. These are the elements that characterise these immense and scenic green meadows.

"The meadows of Tribil" are a botanical ring-route that runs in the municipality of Stregna for 8 km through the typical aspects of the plant landscape of a corner of the Natisone Valleys that still preserves naturalistic values of great interest and numerous protected species.
The meadows are a treasure trove of biodiversity, with unique plants, both in terms of number of species and their naturalistic value. Planino is a particularly significant site for the presence of wild orchids; over 15 species have been recorded in the area.

For more information: www.nediskedoline.it/wpnediske/progetti/il-sentiero-naturalistico-de-i-prati-di-tribil/

Download the map: I Prati di Tribil-Tarbijske planine.pdf

