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Julian Prealps Natural Park Foto: Marco Di Lenardo

Julian Prealps Natural Park

A functional body of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region based in Resia and established in 1996, the Julian Prealps Natural Park covers the territory of the municipalities of Chiusaforte, Lusevera, Moggio Udinese, Resia, Resiutta and Venzone.

Mountain area protected by the authority of the same name and filled with hiking and mountain biking routes. It encompasses the Musi and Canin ranges, extending between the Alta Val Torre, Val Resia and the municipalities of Venzone/Pušja vas, Moggio Udinese/Možac, Resiutta/Na Bili and Chiusaforte/Kluže. The Park Authority has a permanent exhibition area at its headquarters in Prato di Resia, dedicated to the Park’s nature, and the accommodation at the guesthouse.

The Park manages also the Val Alba Reserve and coordinates the MAB Julian Alps Biosphere Reserve.

Opening hours:

Monday – Thursday: 9.00 – 13.00 and 14.00 – 17.00
Friday: 9.00 – 13.00

Entrance fee:
Full ticket: 2,00 €
Concessionary ticket: 1.00 € for groups of more than 10 people, with tickets for Sella Nevea Adventure Park or Villanova Caves.
Free ticket for residents of the Park's municipalities, children under 6 years, senior citizens over 65, groups and schools visiting the Park

Piazza del Tiglio 3, Prato
33010 Resia (UD)
Tel. +39 0433 53534

More information: www.parcoprealpigiulie.it


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