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Val Resia Ecomuseum Foto: Pro Loco Val Resia

Val Resia Ecomuseum

The Val Resia Ecomuseum spreads over the entire Resia Valley territory. It was designed to protect, enhance and share the valley's immense natural and cultural heritage, through the direct participation of the entire community.

It is a set of physical and cultural trails to be travelled with body and mind to 'explore' the valley, reach its most characteristic places and understand both the essence of each one of them and the natural and human history of Resia and the people who have lived and still live here, and to enjoy its natural beauty, taste its flavours, and experience its history and its many traditions as a protagonist.

The Eco-museum is divided into 6 major routes, called 'Vie', which reach as many particularly significant places, which are called 'Piazze':
- Via to the ancient glaciers, to discover its strong identity
- Via to the alpine pastures, through great tradition
- Via to the stavoli, through natural magic
- Via of taste, through the many flavours
- Via to the music, through the strong vitality
- Via of the springs, runs through the spontaneous richness of a unique valley.

The starting point for all the 'Vie' is Prato di Resia, from what is known as the 'Origin', located in close continuity with the Park headquarters and its Visitor Centre.
The routes, varying in length and difficulty, are accessible to most categories of walkers, including children and family groups.
Along each route, the signposts, with their clearly identifiable shapes and texts, guide hikers in their walk 'inside' the valley, not only with their body but also with their heart. The decision to write the tables in Italian and Resian also highlights and enhances the ethno-linguistic uniqueness of Resia.

The accessibility of the trails is guaranteed almost all year round, with the exception of the coldest months of winter.

More information: www.ecomuseovalresia.it