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Abisso di Vigant Foto: F. Bergnach-Gruppo Speleologico Valli del Nat

Abisso di Vigant

A cave that swallows the waters of the Tanaloho stream, which flows into the River Cornappo at its endpoint.

The first explorations of the Vigant abyss began in 1896, and during investigations in 1904 and 1912, numerous remains of fauna from the last glacial phase were found.
During rainy periods, the waters of the Tanaloho stream enter the cave, ending up in the Grotta Preoreak below, which, in the event of flooding, flows into the Cornappo stream.

Since it is not a tourist cave, to visit it is necessary to contact a speleological group, such as the Gruppo Speleologico Valli del Natisone and the Gruppo Ricerche Ipogee Friuli, which occasionally organise accompanied cave tours.

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